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Vets Information
If you are a vet and already have an account with us, you can log into your account here.
This will enable you to book a collection for us to perform a cremation.
If you don’t yet have an account with us and would like to set one up, please get in touch by sending us an email here.
Why Would You Want An Account With Heaven’s Gate Pet Cremation Services Limited?
If you are a Vets Practice, you can set up an account with Heaven’s Gate Pet Cremation Services. We would work with you to offer a premium cremation service to your clients.
We would work with you to find out the best options for you and your customers. This may be offering our full range of packages, or a smaller range, this is your choice. We would provide you with literature that would allow your clients to choose the type of cremation package they would like. Your clients will pay you direct and we will invoice you. Please contact us to find out more, we will send you an information pack with the details you would like to know.